By Anonymous S'wit - 08/11/2014 22:49 - Portugal

Today, my anxiety got so bad that when I stole a sword in Skyrim and resisted arrest, I had a full-on panic attack as I ran away. I ended up curling up on the sofa as my character got hacked to death on the TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 939
You deserved it 8 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Klima_fml 29

It's all fun and games until they spot you stealing their swords!

DenBriZel 31

I got caught stealing once, resisted arrest and got a "warrant" so every time I went to towns everyone attacked me. I eventually got so frustrated I never played again.


I have anxiety like that too. You should get some treatment or something. If you're not into taking meds, you can message me.

it happens sorry OP I have PTSD and OCD. I know it's a struggle best of luck on getting help

I feel your pain, I too am plagued by anxiety, ptsd & ocd, It's bad enough having a panic attack out in the real world, let alone having one in your own home! I've had to stop playing certain games, coz they are causing more anxiety than pleasure.

DrBlack 9

The main reason I put up my sneak skills so high as soon as I can.

I used to be an adventurer like you... until I took an arrow to the knee.

Elder scrolls games are amazing, it's like a whole new world with its own lore and personalities. Just remember to save before you steal a sword next time

You should have commited a worse skyrim crime...killing a chicken.

Those bastards will report you if you aren't careful.