By treeless - 24/12/2011 08:11 - Canada

Today, my apartment was broken into. The thief stole my TV, $350, and my Christmas tree. There is still a trail of broken ornaments from my living room to the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 883
You deserved it 2 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, the Grinch is back to his evil, anti-Christmas ways!!!


bwtchinheels 0

Sounds like the grinch. You should go report to the police giving a description of what the grinch looks like...

cwsmith51 2

How's that for the Christmas spirit!

I thought there were no thiefs in Canada lol

how the Grinch stole Christmas (IN CANADA!?)

Did they also stop up the sink and leave the faucet running?