By treeless - 24/12/2011 08:11 - Canada

Today, my apartment was broken into. The thief stole my TV, $350, and my Christmas tree. There is still a trail of broken ornaments from my living room to the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 883
You deserved it 2 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, the Grinch is back to his evil, anti-Christmas ways!!!


lisa92_fml 2

Maybe it was the two burglars from Home Alone?

jaredofmo 22

I knew everyone would think of the Grinch...

Sorry OP i hope that you have a fairly good christmas tomorrow even though this happened

What kind of thief steals a tree? They must have been a dumbass

Congratulations! You're the millionth person to post that same comment!

Well those ornaments aren't going to clean themselves up.

Bleh, that's horrible. Sorry for your misfortune, hope you didn't need the money for food or something. :(

little_monster21 0

who steals a Xmas tree? that's just sad. stealing Christmas spirit.

Does Santa really live in the north pole? Lets look at the evidence...1. Wears red and white.2. Good at breaking into houses.3. Has loads of electrical goods that nobody can trace.4. Drives an unlicensed vehicle.... 5. Only does one days work a year.Lapland my arse... He's a ******* scouser! So people lock your door and get cameras and make sure Santa don't screw up your Christmas!