By JPTK - 17/06/2012 16:08 - United Kingdom - Newark

Today, my best friend and I broke up with our respective girlfriends, so we could go on holiday and meet lots of new women. Instead, within a few hours, he got back with his ex, and they're planning their own holiday together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 781
You deserved it 59 575

JPTK tells us more.


OP CLARIFICATION TIME!!!!! A *month* ago, me and my ex broke up as I was moving away, 3 days later she got drunk and had rebound sex with some guy. Talking to my best mate, he said we should go on a lads holiday around Europe to get over our exs etc. (He broke up with his around the same time). Y'know - meet some girls, work on our tan, drinks on the beach, you know the drill! Yesterday, when we were supposed to book, he told me he had to pull out as he'd gotten back with his ex and wanted to go on holiday with her. That is why FML.

Top comments

You deserve it. Why break up with your girlfriend just to pick up other chicks? You're kind of an asshole.

Why would you do that in the first place? It doesnt make any sense. YDI


shawnaishere 14
mariah_victoria 0

If she is stupid enough to take her back she deserves it.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

YDI, definitely. But clearly you didn't care too much about your now-ex girlfriend anyway, so enjoy those random hook-ups on vacation, and the accompanying STD's ;D

2RaRa25 6

I'm gonna have to say your friend has more sense than you.

shawnaishere 14

And you were stupid enough to do that? Apologize to your girl and hope she takes you back.

I hope she doesn't take him back. OP doesn't seem to see the worth of a relationship.

Wow buddy, no sympathy for you on that one. You're an idiot. break up with your girl friend on your own terms and reasons. Not because your buddy told you to cause he did, to go and score some chicks.

And you can't do the same because..?

Your friend doesn't his girl friend either. You both deserve to be alone. Woman aren't just things you can toss aside when your bored. I'm glad you got ditched and I'm glad your holiday is ruined. I hope your gf is smart and won't take back your sorry ass. YDI.

rocketshipsky 3

If you dumped your perfectly fine girlfriend to 'meet lots of new women' you obviously don't deserve her anyways. Hope she gets a better and respectful boyfriend.

reimichele 8

Sometimes you actually have to think with your head and not your dick OP. And while I can see some form of twisted logic in your decision to break up with your girlfriends, you guys are still one big, collective douche. Forever alone you shall be.