By c - 22/07/2012 04:50 - United States - Denham Springs

Today, my boss bitched at me because my body language "indicates that you don't enjoy doing your job". I just have scoliosis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 113
You deserved it 1 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sunnyt 5

Im sorry about your scoliosis. Your boss is a bitch! You should tell him/her know though. The guilt will haunt them for life. >:)

Well, tell her that. She might not know.


I'm sorry OP; scoliosis sucks and is so painful. I had the surgery when I was 13 for my 60 degree curvature. Just explain to your boss. Surprisingly, not many people truly understand scoliosis and how it can affect your body and life, so proper education is in order. I hope you feel better!

I'd thumbs up this more than once if I could!

patacus 14

I feel you. haven't been to the doctors in years, but at last check I had a 30something degree S curve. and that's after surgery too. it was 92 before that.

netbeui435 3

Looks like your boss doesn't enjoy doing his job either bitching at you like that.

rcgirl2 11

Well just tell your boss that. Maybe she didn't know or she really is just a bitch.

The_F3rris 11

I have scoliosis too. People can really be such assholes about it.

The_F3rris 11

Not everyone with scoliosis wears a brace.

purplmurpl 5

I have scoliosis too. It does make you look like you don't enjoy your job. Tell him you have it! He may not know(: