By faeliality - 18/04/2016 08:39 - United States

Today, my boss called me and asked why I haven't been showing up to work. I didn't show up because he fired me last week over the phone. Then he fired me again for not showing up to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 769
You deserved it 1 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you should probably go to work tomorrow or you'll get fired a third time next week!

Your boss is dumb. Don't take the second time getting fired as an offense. FYL and go into work and get fired a third time :P


You should go in the next day. They say the third time is the charm.

Lol he obviously won't remember firing you if you show up to work tomorrow morning I'm sure

2 times getting fired cancels each other out its ok

Did you copy this from another persons fml? Cuz I just read the sane story from three years ago.

So he fired your firing that's good right?

Hey guys, OP here. Thanks to all of you who left funny comments, at least I got a good laugh out of the situation. Today I called my boss back and attempted to explain that I couldn't have shown up to work had I thought I was fired, but he brushed it off as "my mistake for not correcting him at the time." Now I'm out of a job and my idiot boss thinks that this is a good enough cause for my termination. Lawsuit, anyone? :D

bad_boyfriend 10

He is going to try to screw you out of your unemployment. Get a lawyer.

What 34 said is exactly what I thought when I read this post. Job abandonment is considered quitting, which doesn't qualify you for unemployment benefits. It wouldn't be out of the question for a company to pull something like this to try to weasel their way out of their obligations. I hope it doesn't come to needing a lawyer, but if you need those benefits, don't let the company get away with it. Either way, hope you find new employment soon

You have to expect that kind of thing when you work at an alzheimer's center! (OK, I'm going to hell for that one)

I'm sorry that's crappy. But it made me LOL...Sorry about your luck OP...

Big_D_Real 12

That was your chance to tell him how you really feel.