By NoPrivacy - 26/04/2012 10:44 - United States

Today, my boss overheard me singing, "I need a shit, I need a shit" on my way to the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 171
You deserved it 34 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

twifan1901 0


rayna19 2

Lol. That's funny. Sounds like something I would do. Still embarrassing your boss heard that though.

Steve95401 49

Why do they call it "taking a shit"? You don't take a shit, you leave one.

KreayshawnsWife 0

I don't get what the problem is

Bitcheslovetoast 0

maybe he/she wants to make work interesting with singing.

shannonjnae2706 0

...exactly the reason you should abstain from singing about taking a crap until you're absolutely sure you're alone. Sorry, but YDI.

I agree with #3 and also who sings that on the way to the toilet in a public place?