By Anonymous - 26/03/2013 14:54 - Finland - Vanda

Today, my boss threatened to fire me because of a tattoo I have. It's a small teddy bear on my leg with my parents' names on it. My workplace has no problems with tattoos, but my boss said it was "unoriginal and lame." It's a memorial tattoo; my parents died last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 962
You deserved it 3 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people... makes me wonder how they became the assholes they are today.

tell him his excuse is "lame and unoriginal"


Ass in a glass of a boss y'got there, buddy.

Do you like the job? If not tell him to **** off for said reason and walk out.

There are laws protecting employees so call HR. It's called unfair dismissal! He cannot fire you cos he does not like your tattoo!

Im so sorry OP....**** him. Theres a reason u dont work for that douche anymore