By Anonymous - 26/03/2013 14:54 - Finland - Vanda

Today, my boss threatened to fire me because of a tattoo I have. It's a small teddy bear on my leg with my parents' names on it. My workplace has no problems with tattoos, but my boss said it was "unoriginal and lame." It's a memorial tattoo; my parents died last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 962
You deserved it 3 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people... makes me wonder how they became the assholes they are today.

tell him his excuse is "lame and unoriginal"


ChocolateCat 4

What a douche i feel bad for you

Either your boss is one of the biggest dicks ever or he was having a bad day and just wanted any excuse to get mad... Either way YLS...

**** him, tattoos are memories put into art

Bad_Bre 10

hes an ass & im sorry for your loss

Bad_Bre 10

hes an ass & im sorry for your loss

Bad_Bre 10

hes an ass & im sorry for your loss

Can't be fired for having a tattoo if your work doesn't have problems with them. Unless you work at Hot Topic or Hollister, the high school dominated workplaces.

Your boss is probably jealous because he don't have the guts to make a tattoo . I think you should talk to the HR from your company and tell them that he's harassing you

It's none of his frigging business! Sorry for your loss. :(