By Anonymous - 26/03/2013 14:54 - Finland - Vanda

Today, my boss threatened to fire me because of a tattoo I have. It's a small teddy bear on my leg with my parents' names on it. My workplace has no problems with tattoos, but my boss said it was "unoriginal and lame." It's a memorial tattoo; my parents died last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 962
You deserved it 3 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people... makes me wonder how they became the assholes they are today.

tell him his excuse is "lame and unoriginal"


Sorry OP about your loss, that really sucks. Are you able to call labor board on your boss? If so they could help you out, if not- I really do hope for the best for you .

your boss sounds like a complete asshole. sorry about your parents

brrarm 17

Sorry for your loss OP. don't know how people with no proper personal skills become bosses. Hope you are planing to talk to Human resources and file a harassment case.

It sounds like you need to speak to HR and consult an attorney as well. Stay one step ahead and cover your ass.

Kaylee_Skye 6

Did you tell him what it was for?

Axel5238 29

I agree with the OP, but the way it was presented may be an issue. Neck tattoos are generally associated with someone who may have severed time ( same with face tattoos). Lower back tattoos are normally associated as tramp stamps and ankle tattoos are generally associated with girls who wanted something cute as a first tattoo. I'm not saying this is fair I have 2 large tattoos and get misjudged. Placement does, have some influence on that and how it was represented. If it was a small bear tattoo on your ankle he may have thought it was something you did on spring break as a whim probably while messed up.

I don't know how anyone could really pick "You deserved it." Memorial tats are a sweet idea.

I would beat the boss's head against his desk!