By Anonymous - 02/04/2013 10:30 - United States - Beaumont

Today, my boss threatened to fire me for killing him in Minecraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 447
You deserved it 8 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that's really immature of him. But congrats on killing the Boss!!

CammyGal 26

Threaten back to sue him for wrongful termination! Also, minecraft is a kickass game


I killed my boss like 4 times in a windows of 5 minutes while playing FEAR Combat with him and other co-workers, it was Team Death Match game. He happened to reappear right in front of me on each time. He didn't threat me to fire me, but he did say he would never play with me again! Even his wife told me so, how frustrated was him about that...

I killed my boss like 4 times in a windows of 5 minutes while playing FEAR Combat with him and other co-workers, it was Team Death Match game. He happened to reappear right in front of me on each time. He didn't threat me to fire me, but he did say he would never play with me again! Even his wife told me so, how frustrated was him about that...

There is no ******* way. I know this person and his boss. Those 2 ***** are famous as ****

IThriveWithYourPain 14

Wow, your boss is one hell of an ass the most I did when my friend accidentally killed me was rig an explosive trap on his front door and burn down a large portion of his fence and set his animals free along with trapping his iron golem in a hole plus stealing his stuff I know overboard but I got lost in the wilderness for days before making it back