By anonymous - 11/02/2012 05:57 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex. He swore it wouldn't be 2 minutes long this time. He was right. It was 3 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 980
You deserved it 5 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DalPozzo13 10

That's sad, my dog has gotten it on with a pillow longer than that haha


Just wanna know; how old is he? Havent had that problem since maybe age 14 or so.. (swedes starts early)

SwtCherryPie 26

How did you get '12' out of '14'?

How frustrating that must be for the OP. There are other things that could be done for you..... beforehand. Show him how you'd like to be touched before he puts it in. :P On a positive side, it sounds like he's aware that it's a problem and hopefully willing to work on it.

GreggyZ 0
DaKillaMafia 2

Lol that's my model get in and get out he's clearly cutting out all the B.s

HannahWho 8

If you are "in and out" and cutting "all the b.s." then there might be a few FMLs about you that you don't know about. No one likes a selfish lover.

Kcloudnine 0

At least it was a couple min mine last ex ******* did it for a 1 min and I didn't feel anything 7.7

ageier7 10

some guys just can't hold off on that first one. but after that first one you can last the whole night and get your girl off good

yaoifreak 8