By anonymous - 11/02/2012 05:57 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex. He swore it wouldn't be 2 minutes long this time. He was right. It was 3 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 983
You deserved it 5 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DalPozzo13 10

That's sad, my dog has gotten it on with a pillow longer than that haha


Doesn't matter had sex! Maybe he has a bit of performance anxiety? Try changing positions more regularly that will definitely help him last longer.

"A survey of Canadian and American sex therapists said that...1 to 2 minutes was too short, 3 to 7 minutes was adequate and 7 to 13 minutes desirable, while 10 to 30 minutes was too long." Congrats your man is adequate.

That's only for Americans and Canadians.. In Europe, and especially here in Serbia, guys can go for much longer, 30-45mins is considered not too unusual :D

seriously? 30-45 minutes is not too long. that is desirable. those therapist just want to make preemie guys feel better.

TaylorT19 0

Seriously? Lol I'd be pissed. My shortest time ever was an hour.

monnanon 13

If everytime i had sex it lasted for 45 mins I'd be pissed off. Sex, including all the forplay should last that long but long sec EVERY SINGLE TIME is boring. A quickie every now and then is really fun.

Well, not every time ofc.. A quickie is quite fun too.. P.S. My sources are my experience :)

ShroomsOnAcid 16

79, If sex is boring for you, you're not doing it right. 45 minutes isn't really that long - that's the total runtime of a lot of TV shows, and I'm sure you don't find it boring to watch something you like for that amount of time. Maybe you need to explore yourself some more and find new things that work for you.

SwtCherryPie 26

Or maybe ... like myself... maybe she can get off good enough that 30-45 min is excessive. I agree, with foreplay and everything 30min to an hour is a good amount of time to warm yourself up, hopefully get off, and really set a mood. After that 15 min sex is more than ample. Hell im usually wore out by the time my husband is done with the foreplay. He is very attentive to my lady parts pretty much every time we have sex.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

147, I can get off in a couple minutes quite easily, but the journey there is too enjoyable to disregard. Sex is not only all about the ****** if both people know how to truly please each other. Good sex shouldn't leave you wondering when it's going to be over.

This is what he needs to do: 1st: always preform orally on you before sex. Until you climax- not just to get you excited. 2nd: wear a condom, and put you in charge of speed and rhythm. Stop, pull out and change positions. But honestly, if your orally satisfied you might be quite fine with the 2 minute man. Besides the average is between 5 and 8 minutes. (and i think thats high for most regardless of what men say)

Clamcreepy 7

Ah, the premature ejaculation syndrome strikes again. May I suggest a **** ring for your boyfriend? He may not last but at least you'll get yours pleasure just a tad longer

I'm a strong advocate for oral sex. I love getting her off before we even have sex. Plus, it's extra lube. Any girl who is dating a guy who won't do that, deserves a better guy....

A little harsh on the dude. Try to be supportive and help the guy out instead of giving him a complex. He obviously needs a bit of practice. I'd suggest a few sessions getting each other off without penetration then slowly reintroducing it.

I don't see how this is an fml. You went at it for an expected 2 min. and you got 3 min. Did you have to pee or something?

SwtCherryPie 26

Hey, give him some credit... That is a 50% improvement. Maybe next time it will be 4 minutes. Either way if he can't last long just have him vamp up the foreplay some and get of really good then so if he gets off to early for you to get of as well you won't be totally left without.