By anonymous - 11/02/2012 05:57 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex. He swore it wouldn't be 2 minutes long this time. He was right. It was 3 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 980
You deserved it 5 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DalPozzo13 10

That's sad, my dog has gotten it on with a pillow longer than that haha


perdix 29

You may be training a **** star! Hopefully, he'll remember you as more than just the housing for his training ****.

Curfman 0

Hit me up. I'll last 10 times longer;)

The trick is to have sex twice. Once to let speedy Gonzales blow his Premo nut, and again 20 minutes later. The second time he'll last a lot longer. Meanwhile he can go down on you and slurp his own spoof.

He doesn't like to go down on me... Even though I've done it to him multiple times...

If he won't go down on u then don't go down on him. It's only fair. U shouldn't have to be the only one who gives, it's a two way road.

alzeer 5

People usually lie about how long they have sex.

Holly bananas now that's bad I feel bad for you hey but at least you get it lol he better had pleased you though I know that feeling and it sucks

Wow, your life is just terrible isn't it?

You were timing it? Put down the stop watch...

FOREPLAY!!!!!! Mess around to the point of finishing and stop. It helps with control. And gotta work at it everyday :p but at least ur getting something.