By Anonymous - 24/09/2015 17:07 - United States - Richmond

Today, my boyfriend and I lost our virginity to one another. He then did a naked victory lap around his dad's house, blasting Akon's "I Just Had Sex" at full volume. He's legally an adult. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 575
You deserved it 6 094

Same thing different taste


hilamonster06 21

it's Lonely Island's song featuring Akon. DUMB ASS!

Why are you getting downvoted? You at least actually knew who made the song...

leogachi 15

@18 Because not knowing the person/group who performs a song doesn't make a person dumb.

I like how you knew who wrote the song but no need to be a dick about it.

This is the comment I came to find. I said you deserve it since they said it's Akon's song. Sorry for being a dick but get your facts straight. He's featured in the song but The Lonely Island is the artist here.

Pretty pathetic to insult op for not knowing that. Akon is a well known artist that's played on the radio, I only know Lonely Island because of my brother. If someone isn't a fan of humorous songs or their style, or just isn't aware of them, it's not strange for them to say the artist they DO know. It doesn't make them dumb, I could probably name off songs that you have no idea who the artist is despite the fact I like them.

pleasedie 22

Would've been even more hilarious if his dad walked in at that moment

MasterTron 24

Today on Americas Funniest Home Videos

I don't think I've seen a censor bar stay that still before....

Haha, your boyfriend has the right idea! Hopefully it was nice for both of you. Just enjoy the moment, it'll probably stick with you forever!

exoticDeath 20

I can't say I wouldn't do something similar, minus the naked dance.

brittlehorn20 21

Where did you get dancing at? She said a victory lap. That sounds like running to me.

ahippienamedrae 10

I don't see the problem here. What do you regret not joining him?

Exact same thing happened with me and my boyfriends first time last week -boys will be boys ?

At least he enjoyed himself, that's all that matters.

farrito102993 9

My boyfriend did that the first few times we had sex, and he had 9 roommates! lol