By wtf - 15/07/2009 05:04 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were chatting on MSN. He had to go run down to the corner market but left his webcam on. Shortly after he left I watched his mother steal 60 dollars out of his wallet. He doesn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 795
You deserved it 3 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so he went to the market without his wallet?

sonnyv 0

hes an idiot if he didnt believe you, fHL


allthewrongkeys 0

Such bs. Why wouldnt he take his wallet?¿

FDXCpinballwiz 0

Good point, who goes to the market and doesn't take their wallet with them????

I completely agree, you don't go to the corner market, or anywhere you will be spending money, without your wallet so that you have enough money to pay for everything. FAKE

Maybe it wasn't his "wallet" and like a money pouch or something? Like a piggy bank sorta.

Iloveyencheck 0

this is more of a FHL for his mom taking 60 bucks from him. Not a FYL

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Woah. :x Shouldn't it be the other way around? Son stealing from mother? Maybe she has an alchohol problem or something.

so whats the big deal, she needed the money... just wonder how many times he stole from her...

You have no reason to think he ever stole from her. That's actually great reasoning, now that I think about it: "Here, I'm going to steal from you but it's not bad because you probably deserve it somehow. That's karma, baby--hell, I'M karma!" I wonder how many people you've violated with the same reasoning.

regenzie 0

I have never stolen money from either of my parents. You are assuming that everyone does.

Even if he did not take his wallet, won't he notice the money missing?

heavenandhell 0

Um he went to the corner market I assume to buy something Wich I assume he would need money for but he left his wallet?

Just tell him to check his wallet. Then he'll notice that his 60 dollars are missing. (:

JennH225 0

How you gon break the girl code and rat mom's out!!!

why were you watching an empty room lol

ritzy05 1

haha seriously... a bit awkward!

That's what I was wondering.... creepy.