By tjcl - 28/11/2009 06:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were gazing into each others' eyes in the moonlight after not having seen each other for a week. I thought he was going to say "I love you" and pull me in for a kiss. Instead, he said, "Since you can’t drive, we should get one of those two seater bicycles." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 305
You deserved it 9 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fakkumairaifu 14

What's the problem? That's still totally adorable. FYL for not appreciating a boyfriend who says such cute things.

heart604 0

movies have killed romance for you


Learn love beacause if he is gonna say get to 2 seat bike cause u can't drive 1) who would be riding in the second seat 2)he will probbally will say he loves u latr u jackass stop watchin so many romance movies cause they are not real guys are diffrent than them script readin actors who r on steroids

it doesn't suck! it's one of the cutest things i've ever heard. buy a two seater bicycle and go on picnics! i wish MY boyfriend would do that for me! here's a tip: LIFE IS not always what you expect, but that doesn't mean it's worse, just different. clearly your boyfriend isn't just some AVERAGE guy.

perdix 29

Am I missing something? Is "two seater bicycle" an Urban Dictionary slang for double-headed, diesel-powered vibrator?

Perdix, I love your comments. And that would be a very thoughtful gift.

this doesn't suck at all. it means your bf actually wants to be with you and is thinking of how to get around together.

Am I the only one who thinks that she's already overreacting with 'after not having seen each other for a week'? Well other than that YDI for thinking that you're living in a romantic movie and everyone has to act like they live in your mushy movie. I think your boyfriend said just the right thing.

kitties_fml 12

what the **** is wrong with you? your boyfriend's getting you a two-seater bicycle and you think your life is ******? gee, i'd like to have your problems.

waterynuggets 0