By tjcl - 28/11/2009 06:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were gazing into each others' eyes in the moonlight after not having seen each other for a week. I thought he was going to say "I love you" and pull me in for a kiss. Instead, he said, "Since you can’t drive, we should get one of those two seater bicycles." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 305
You deserved it 9 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fakkumairaifu 14

What's the problem? That's still totally adorable. FYL for not appreciating a boyfriend who says such cute things.

heart604 0

movies have killed romance for you


You obviously didnt make him enough sammiches DO YOUR JOB WOMEN Thankyou

bosshaug 0

Wow teenage girls need to get off of fml

AntiChrist7 0

SO? quit being a nagging bitch. He should have dumped you.

atomicmrpelly 2

WTF? At least he didn't say 'I'm sleeping with your sister.' FFS I bet you read Twilight don't you? And you were just upset because you were expecting him to reveal he was a vampire? Is it any wonder why women think men are stupid if they are so picky about what a man can say to be romantic? 'He didn't say "I love you Susanna" he said "I love you honey"... MY LIFE IS OVER'

Wow, you managed to make it an entire week?! My heart weeps for you. Wait, no it doesn't, because a week ain't shit. There are so many people in the world today with a false sense of entitlement and no real sense of hardship anymore. People need to learn that everything isn't yours by default. You think your life is so tough? Try seeing your girlfriend only once every 6 months, and spending the remainder in a desert trying not to get hit by mortars, random gunmen, roadside bombs, etc...

jane99 0

I've always wanted to try one of those bikes.

tayzer_fml 0

What?! THIS is an FML? Really?!

joobledotz 0

I'm 16. My boyfriend of 3 years is 17. He went to basic training this summer and we were away from each other longer than we've ever been. When he got home, he said he had a surprise and wanted to take me somewhere I'd love. My first thought was a fancy lunch or something romantic like that. Instead, he took me to go paintballing. Turns out it was the most fun I've had in a long time. Just because it was something fun and goofy instead of romantic and sweet, I loved it just the same, if not more. You should be a lot more appreciative. He just wants a way to spend more time with you. Stop complaining on the computer and go tell him you love the idea. Dummy -_-

__no_one__ 0

Your bf didn't say "I love you" the moment you wanted him to? OMG, what a jerk, dump him immediately, you deserve better than this! ...not.

aw tht sux feel srry for u ur boyfriend is not ramntic at all wat an ass

88zlag, I think your diaper needs a change. Seriously, go hide under your rock and suck on your pacifier instead of making juvenile comments like that. You need to grow up first.