By dummy - 17/02/2012 00:03 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were getting frisky in bed. He mumbled something that sounded like "I love you." I replied "I love you too baby", to which he laughed then said, "I said I wanted you to blow me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 735
You deserved it 5 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ninjuh_wingman 29

Tell him you will if he can give you an ******.


hewdud 0

Cuz nothing says I love you like a ******* ;)

Indeed, it's definitely one of those things to say in the heat of passion

Lol because "I love you" and "blow me" sound eerily alike

logiee_bearr 6

When a guy says "I love you", he really means "blow me"

Like seriously, he could've just played along

logiee_bearr 6

He would have had a better chance getting it if he played along

mama2b3 20

Charming AND romantic!! Don't let that one get away op!

Why would you say that? He sounds like a complete douche.

50- Because she was being sarcastic.....

perdix 29

If you blow him enough, eventually he will love you for real. So, start sucking and hope you get the love you deserve sooner rather than later.

MyLoveDrunk 11

Yes because love develops through blow jobs rather than heart-to-heart connection.

perdix 29

It's an alternate route if you want to get a heartless bastard to say "I love you." It'll just has to!

MyLoveDrunk 11

Yeah if you're goal is to get a fake "I love you," but then again why would you want to do all that work for something that gets thrown around almost as much as the daily paper.

perdix 29

At this point, it appears that the OP has been putting out for nothing. Now, she can withhold sex until she forms an emotional bond with him, or she can suck his dick until he caves in. Which course seems more practical in this case?

MyLoveDrunk 11

I would think that if she has had sex with him already, withdrawing it from him wouldn't give her anymore satisfaction and security than if she were to suck him dry for an "I love you." Also we cant assume things about her relationship. Maybe they've only been dating for a short time or maybe they aren't serious, who knows.

perdix 29

You are right. We can't know much about the OP's relationship. This is why we are doomed to making jokes at the OP's expense instead of being able to provide advice.

Yeah or they've been together a while, OP missheard the guy, and he thought it was funny that she got "blow me" and "i love you" mixed up because they sound very different. I know i would laugh if that happened between me and my gf. She'd probly be embarrassed at first but we would laugh about it later

thatguy32692 4

There is no point in arguing with pedrix lol he will always win it's just a rule of thumb.... Just saying

That isn't the way love works, asshole.

perdix 29

#100, Does your reply mean that non-stop anal is what works for you?

dabomb1463 0
OhDearBetrayal 25

72- Actually if disregard who wrote what, you'll notice that neither of them won nor lost. Both had points.

OhDearBetrayal 25

126- Science is great and all, but there are some things that cannot be defined and love is one of them. Lust is different from love which is what you are talking about. Lust lasts for the little amount of time it takes to bang someone, but love obviously doesn't.

floopyflooper 2

I don't get how this is an FML. It's a misunderstanding, so what?

with did u say to get moderated on a FML about sex lobe and bjs???

TheEpicMilkMan 13

tell him to satisfy you the way he wants to be satisfied :3

This happened to me once...except my boyfriend said, "I miss you.", all I heard was the "I" and "you" though, so I assumed he said "I love you.". Just like you I told him I loved him too (we're in a serious relationship) and just like your boyfriend, he didn't play along and told me what he'd really said. But then he said he loved me after that. Not quite the same situation, but FYL. I would've been embarrassed. I just hope that you meant it when you said it, because saying it without meaning it isn't cool at all. If you did mean it, I hope your boyfriend will say it back/love you too one day.