By dummy - 17/02/2012 00:03 - United States

By dummy - 17/02/2012 00:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/03/2011 19:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/04/2011 04:32 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/11/2010 06:16 - United States
By bugger - 22/02/2015 17:31
By Anonymous - 12/01/2013 20:12 - United Kingdom - Bristol
By Sybille - 06/12/2008 12:14 - France
By Anonymous - 28/05/2017 20:00
By Anonymous - 14/03/2010 07:54 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/06/2014 21:19 - United Kingdom
By Wellokthen - 17/02/2017 22:00 - United States
Did u blow him?
you should have done it for him
Even during sex women expect us to say "I love you"...
if you say it more you get more sex though!
The real question is since you love him and all... did you swallow?
I don't "expect" anything but an ******. Not all women are the same my friend.
seriously ? whats wrong with dat ?
How dafuq u get those confused?
Hey! Hes quite a sexy young man. We went over this.
He's beautiful. Stop bullying.
Really random but 33 same birthdate and year -_-
I think he actually sexually harassed a nurse.
Yea, for him. Let's hope he got it!
Yeah, that sucks
That's a shame. Now u tell him you did say "not a chance"
And you replied I want you to eat me.
eating out a chick isn't bad at all, if you know how to do it. sounds like a fair trade though
I think so. They even have a position for such a trade, 69.
well whaddya know. problem solved!
For the OP the big deal is she thought her boyfriend was confessing his love for her when he was really telling her to blow me. As for the big deal on oral sex, there shouldn't be one. The OP's boyfriend should have played it off and said he loves her, waited 30 seconds and asked for oral. And as a general rule being told "I love you" by someone you're sexual satisfying doesn't count, especially if it's the first time they've said it to you.
Well to each their own. And I agree basic maintenance and hygiene is important. I don't want a girl going down on me after work or the gym because that'd be gross. But I enjoy getting my partner off. So I wouldn't go out with someone who didn't like putting the extra effort to get me off, because I am willing to do it for them.
51 knows what's up! That's what I'm talking about!
lol why should we give you bjs if you don't eat us out? now that's a fair trade
…but it HAS to be a result from him eating her out
That's a bit of a moment ruiner..
your info said you enjoy starwars, your Xbox, an waffles! I wanna marry you
It is isn't it! Makes things awkward.. Haha
Don't forget Harry Potter...
41 - Thats a bit creeeepyyy. Just putting it out there.
Harry Potter > Star Wars, Xbox and waffles
yay star wars ^-^ rawrrr
Well now you know what words you'll probably never actually hear him say meaningfully.
if you don't say I love you in sex then the whole thing isn't meaningful so therefore just giving out free non meaning sex that's what I think anyways my ex always said I love you when we were doing it and said how beautiful n describing my body that's how sex should be
I get those confused all the time too. They sound exactly the same.
Hope that didn't make things too awkward for "le sexy times". Hopefully he returned the favor to show you he loves you too.
Did u blow him?
Tell him you will if he can give you an ******.