By only my life - 22/04/2014 22:21 - United States - Concord

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, and he was moaning a lot. My ego was quickly crushed, though, when I found out they were moans of pain due to a foot cramp. We had to stop so I could rub his foot better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 886
You deserved it 6 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you caused pleasure and satisfaction for him while rubbing his foot better

Oh yea! Cramp more foot! Ohhhh yeaaaa!!!!


Did you end up rubbing it out? His cramp in the foot of course [shifty eyes].

Just think of it as you just gave him the best foot job of his life

I don't think Gatorade would help much in this particular situation.

#13 it could be just me but I'm fairly certain gatorade isn't going to help bring the mood or her confidence back.

Gatorade dehydrates you from all the sodium, which can cause muscle cramps. I don't think that's a very good idea. I'd recommend a banana.

I would have worked through it. But that's me.

Your profile picture makes your comment seem really creepy.

Sorry OP. Once I had to stop due to a leg cramp, luckily she laughed it off while I walked around the room.

Why didn't he say anything about it before?

men will play through the pain if possible

Not moaning doesn't necessarily mean that he wasn't enjoying himself. But take solace in the fact that you can at least give good footjobs. Some guys are really into that.

Having a foot cramp is very painful. I get them all the time especially while swimming. His mind was most likely focused on the pain than the sexual pleasure. Don't feel bad, OP. I bet once his cramp goes away, he will enjoy making love to you. :)

maybe a foot massage first ;] better luck next time!!