By only my life - 22/04/2014 22:21 - United States - Concord

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, and he was moaning a lot. My ego was quickly crushed, though, when I found out they were moans of pain due to a foot cramp. We had to stop so I could rub his foot better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 886
You deserved it 6 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you caused pleasure and satisfaction for him while rubbing his foot better

Oh yea! Cramp more foot! Ohhhh yeaaaa!!!!


No pain, no game... At least the poor guy tried. Foot cramps suck and it was nice that you "rubbed one out" for him. Awfully nice. ;)

All I am saying is he is a bit of a pansy. I got bit by a snake while having sex and let my man finish.

cryssycakesx3 22

none of that comment made sense. you being hurt and him being hurt are entirely different. my boyfriend stops if my strings poke him too hard. and wtf. a snake...? ew..

Yeah, sorry. That comment was not well written or thought out. Although it is a true story. I was trying to be spontaneous with my husband and do it outside. We live in the boondocks, so we have no neighbors. Mid good times, we heard a hissing noise and I was bitten. But I let him continue through my pain, cause I'm just that good of a wife, I guess lol

Moaning competitions! Ready, set. Goo

That was sweet he was trying to work through it. Cramping up during sex sucks.. And it takes away from the pleasure.. So you might as well stop and deal with it.. Before you continue.

Maybe he can give you a massage afterword in return :D

Maybe it was just an excuse to get you to play with his feet

Awww honey, it's ok. He might have been enjoying it but those damn foot cramps hurt like hell! Mine make me wanna cry sometimes when they wake me up at 3 A.M. Then I fall back asleep because I'm tired, wake up again in pain, panic and suffer for 10 seconds, get myself together, and stretch it out. I hate that shit soooooo bad.