By Eskyew - 23/07/2009 21:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were talking on the phone, and things got a little heated. We were in the middle of some kinky dialog, complete with hand action when he suddenly goes silent. While waiting for a response, I heard typing on the other end. He was checking his email. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 765
You deserved it 9 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What? New mail in your inbox doesn't turn you on??

Imawhalerider 0

just listen to how fast his fingers move. yeahhhh


@ #10; Yeah, but also, it would be great. The first male person that's able to multitask.

Polionixon 2

Maybe he was talking online to some girl getting all kinky u never know :P

M13LO 0

YDI for being an ugly women

ChrisWasHere 0

You're an idiot. Go hide in a corner, just go, please.

ihearthatrz 0

What happens during phone sex I don't even get it!

zombie_pie 0

you have to touch yourself and be all like "imagine I'm licking you right now" or something. I've never really understood the appeal.

Girls tend to get more into phone sex, because men are by and large more visually stimulated. Just because he was doing something else doesn't mean he wasn't enjoying the fact that you were into it.

It's not that big of deal. It's phone sex. It's not like you were actually doing it.

Dabookofnothing 0

there's alot of moderated comments here O_o

brrrx 0

They're not even moderated, people with slightly differing opinions like to vote down other comments so that other people have to click to see equally valid views. Well, except the random ones that just say "fags." (P.S. A man and a woman having phone sex are heterosexual, not "fags," just to clear that up) OP, that sucks...but you WERE having phone sex...

Since the post explained the extensive burying, one can assume that it was buried 'Just because' by people who like to bury things.

alex_vik 0

What the hell? Why on earth is this on this site?