By strictly cum prancing - 11/12/2015 19:48 - United States
Same thing different taste
By notmyfam - 09/09/2016 07:47 - Australia - Chester Hill
Decisions, decisions
By Anonymous - 08/09/2019 02:00 - United States - Denver
By cold - 15/02/2017 10:00 - United States - Phoenix
By Maddy - 10/03/2010 08:00 - United States
By festival virgin - 29/05/2013 19:11 - United Kingdom
Sounds fishy
By Liisaz34 - 18/04/2021 00:30
By Anonymous - 18/11/2015 11:40 - Austria - Vienna
Praying the gay away
By Alex - 10/06/2022 04:00
By ThirdWheelHell - 30/06/2016 06:07 - United States - Farmville
By iheartexes - 06/11/2010 04:52 - United States
Top comments
My boyfriend does a bit of drag and it's actually surprising how fun it is to dress him up and do his make up. OP, you should try help out with your boyfriend's friend's drag, tbh it is very fun.
I've seen tons of similar posts just get bombed with FYL and "you deserve a better boyfried," but this time, because her boyfriend was helping a drag queen, most of the people in the comments are saying YDI. The hypocrisy is shocking, really.
I disagree. I don't think the difference is because it was for a drag show, but he was missing a common date that could be rescheduled for a potentially once in a lifetime event. It would be different if the case were "my boyfriend who lives 3 hrs away went to go drinking with his buddy when I had driven to see him" or "my boyfriend missed our 2 year anniversary for his buddy's 6th soccer match this season," but this is akin to "my boyfriend missed an average date night with me, because he went to support his best friend do stand up comedy for the first time." It doesn't come across like his friend is doing these competitions frequently, and even if he had done one before, unless they're in a huge city, it's unlikely there would be a competition to participate in more frequently than about once every 6 months.
#77 Yes, but how long has the boyfriend known about this competition? Probably at least a few weeks unless the friend decided to join at the very last minute. Boyfriend should have scheduled the date for another time to begin with rather than making plans he knew he couldn't follow through on. Still not the end of the world as long as he doesn't make a habit of it but I can see why OP would be a bit miffed.
Either way, it was obviously very important for his friend so he wanted to be there for him. They could have easily turned it into a date. She could have helped his friend get ready too, then go see him compete together.
He's just an awesome friend
And why would you think that it sucks. Your Bf seems like a good guy helping friends.
That sucks but at least he's a good friend and drag queen comps are awesome haha you should've tagged along.
Sorry OP, but your wining is childish and egocentric. And I think there's a hint of homophobia too, as if helping a friend for a drag queen contest was a particularly unacceptable reason to miss a date with you. Please give me your boyfriend's number, I'll be honoured to date a man like him.
That's an interesting name you have there...
Change the venue of the date! Go the competition! Help them get ready! YDI for being bitchy.
Go help them ? you're a girl you can do the hair and makeup it would be fun and you'd yet to joke around with them
You should be happy that you have a boyfriend who is so supportive.
Do the date on another day, OP. Your BF is a good friend and you should value that on the guy you are with :)