By strictly cum prancing - 11/12/2015 19:48 - United States

Today, my boyfriend backed out on our date so he could help his best friend get ready for some kind of drag queen competition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 307
You deserved it 6 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should be happy that you have a boyfriend who is so supportive.

Do the date on another day, OP. Your BF is a good friend and you should value that on the guy you are with :)


It's true what the top comment says be happy to have someone so helpful , you can always go on dates but his friend had a competition !

You're lucky to have such a sweet and supportive boyfriend. A lot of boyfriends (and girlfriends, girls do it too) cheat and are horrible to their partner, and all he did was cancel one date to help his friend. And you're mad?

Yeah he's so supportive and helpful and sweet.... Apparently for everybody except the op

He missed one date to help out a friend, big damn deal

Where is it that he's not helpful or supportive? He backed out of a date, that doesn't show at all that he's not helpful or supportive of op unless the date was a big competition for op or something like that.

You miss out on one date so what? His friend may be shy and not have the confidence to do a drag competition later, for you there's going to be another date for his friend it might be the only time he can work up the confidence. You're boyfriend is a good guy OP.

You can go on a date any day. It's not like he skipped out on the date just because, he actually had a reason. And it's good that he's doing things with his friends, because his world shouldn't revolve strictly around you.

So you want a boyfriend with no friends then?