By strictly cum prancing - 11/12/2015 19:48 - United States

Today, my boyfriend backed out on our date so he could help his best friend get ready for some kind of drag queen competition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 307
You deserved it 6 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should be happy that you have a boyfriend who is so supportive.

Do the date on another day, OP. Your BF is a good friend and you should value that on the guy you are with :)


schreibergx93 19

I believe it's a legitimate reason to miss a date. You could have invited yourself and amass if you could help, too. 1. You get to have a date still. 2. You express interest in helping his friend.

Was the competition just for laughs and his buddy is not transgender or gay?? Or is his friend transgender/gay, has done many drag queen competitions, dresses in drag a lot, and it was no big deal to him?? If so, I would be pissed he cancelled the date too!! OR: (Not to sound rude) Was it his friend's 1st or one of their 1st drag queen competitions? And is his friend transgender or gay? If so, then u should be very proud that your boyfriend is man enough to help his BEST friend get ready for it. It is very hard for transgender/gay people to come out and dress/act the way they feel inside. Considering his buddy probably did not have anyone else there to support him or help him get ready, u should be proud that you have a man that would help his friend like that. You can always reschedule a date, but u cannot reschedule time to help your best friend find and feel comfortable with who they really are.

Just to clarify (because many people don't know the difference) Drag Queens are NOT transgender. Drag is gender-bending that is done for entertainment (usually by gay men, but lesbians can also be Drag Kings), while Transgender is the feeling you are the opposite gender of your biological sex. Most Transgender people do not like being called "Drag" or being compared to such, since Drag is literally a caricature of the opposite gender, while Transgender individuals actually want to live life as the opposite gender. Just a friendly bit of info. :)

TallMist 32

Also not all drag queens (or kings) are LGBT+. They could be straight and just simply like dressing up as the opposite sex.

What if your boyfriend had plans to go hang out with his friends, but last minute something really important to you came up, like you were entered into a Miss America competition or a talent show or something and you wanted him to be there to support you? How would you feel if he told you he would Not be there because he was already planning on going out with the boys (which he could do anytime)? Wouldn't you rather have him reschedule his boys night to help you get ready and come support you on your big night? Or maybe even invite his friends to come support u as well?? Best friends are just as important as girlfriends/boyfriends.

I've heard of drag queens, he's supporting his best friend in something much more important than a date that can be rescheduled.

Sucks that he had to back out of your date, but at least you're dating an accepting, supportive guy, OP :D!

TallMist 32

I can't vote FYL on this one. I mean, you're dating a guy that clearly supports his friends and isn't judgmental. How is that a bad thing? Yeah, he cancelled a date, but, again, it was to support his friend.

epilepticloh 20

Geez not everything's about you op...sorry

But how often do you get to transform your best man friend into a sexy queen? That's sounds like such a good memory for your boyfriend and his friend

So you want him to miss something probably hilariously awesome and supportive of his friend vs a date you can probably have any time? Selfish... I hit fyl but you definitely deserve it if you have this mentality. Trying to separate your SO from their friends is a path you don't want to go down.