By strictly cum prancing - 11/12/2015 19:48 - United States

Today, my boyfriend backed out on our date so he could help his best friend get ready for some kind of drag queen competition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 307
You deserved it 6 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should be happy that you have a boyfriend who is so supportive.

Do the date on another day, OP. Your BF is a good friend and you should value that on the guy you are with :)


He sounds like a good guy that supports his friends.

Well, instead of making him feel bad for helping his best friend prepare for a beauty contest, why didn't you change the date plans and join him? Helping a drag queen prepare for a contest and/or watching the contest itself sounds like so much fun!

mthurston 14

Did the friend win the competition?

I think a little bit of context would make it easier to vote on this. Has the bf known about this competition for a few weeks now, and yet only backed out of the date at the last minute? Was this a casual date which could easily be moved to another day, or something which was planned months in advance and/or money has already been invested? Does the bf chronically ditch OP in favor of his friends, or was this really a one-time occurrence to help his buddy? Is this the friend's first drag show and/or he is shy/scared and the bf is there mostly for emotional support, or is this a regular thing and the bf is only there to help set up and could thus easily be replaced by anyone? Etc etc...

That's pretty awesome though, not you missing out on a date but your boyfriend doing that for a friend.

Priorities... I'm sure they could have used your help with the make-up!!

schreibergx93 19

I neutralized your downvote-- I do agree. She probably could have been great to help instead of complaining for not having the original date.

AScooterman 12

Awesome next he can help with your make up.

what the **** is wrong with that. that's nothing to bitch about.