By Anonymous - 09/05/2013 19:12 - Norway - Oslo

Today, my boyfriend bought me a silver necklace. I have a silver allergy, but I thanked him anyway and encouraged him to return it. I found out later that he knew about my allergy all along and bought it on purpose so he could return it, get a refund, and still look good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 395
You deserved it 5 018

Same thing different taste


Have him take you to the store & pick out something you like ,something more expensive than that silver chain .

first time I've ever heard of an allergy to silver. not that I don't trust you, OP.

Allergies are like a distinctly unsexy Rule 34: if it exists, someone is allergic to it.

Necklace of silver, heart of gold. dump his ass, OP.

evilraider 5

I hate his cheapness but love his ingenuity

Cheap ass boyfriend, good luck in life with him

I have a silver allergy as well. If my boyfriend pulled that he would have his ass handed to him. Hope this is the first and last time he does it

Sounds like something Hagar the Horrible would do... those vikings are clever that way.