By Anonymous - 15/11/2013 22:35 - United States - Houston

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because he thought he heard another guy in the room when he called me, and that I'm cheating on him. The guy he heard was a character from a cartoon my sister was watching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 312
You deserved it 3 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does he have trust issues of some sort? Insecure?

He must be very insecure to jump to such conclusions so quickly.


Sweetpea22 14

You're better off without that douchenozzle

Maybe it's for the best, I mean he sounds really insecure and he has some major trust issues, seriously

I'd be concerned too if my boyfriend was cheating on me with Daffy Duck

demotres 7

Who are the idiots saying you deserve it. Idiots these days are everywhere

If he has that little trust in you then you are probably better off without him. I'm sorry yo had to go through this though..

So totally better without a guy like that! Enjoy your new-found freedom.