By toonice - 17/07/2014 20:48 - United States - Eugene

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because I'm too nice. Apparently, me being nice to him makes him feel guilty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 720
You deserved it 4 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DesiBoyz 14

He obviously has sumthing to be guilty of

Good, now you can find someone who is just as nice :).


That sounds like a legit reason. No joke.

I personally can't date anyone that's too nice and good. At times they come off as high & mighty and a little boring.

Don't let this make you become jaded. Continue being nice and in doing so will allow just as nice guy come in your life.

He must've been guilty af about something he did behind your back. I'd be glad that I got the hell out of that one

say thanks to him... coz i want a nice gurl... now i though tht is you.. v will b a nice couple

Aero_x 21

Ugh, people will come up with the lamest excuse to break up with some one just to avoid telling the truth!

If you being you makes him feel guilty, he's most likely hiding something. Sounds to me like an out to break up with you without having to confess.

Why does everyone jump to the conclusion that he's been cheating? It could've easily been that he felt he just wasn't as good or nice as a person and decided that she deserved better than him. Maybe he felt guilty because he felt he wasn't doing enough to reciprocate his kindness. I'm sure he's suffering in this as well, let's not jump to demonize people when we don't have all the facts.