By toonice - 17/07/2014 20:48 - United States - Eugene

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because I'm too nice. Apparently, me being nice to him makes him feel guilty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 720
You deserved it 4 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DesiBoyz 14

He obviously has sumthing to be guilty of

Good, now you can find someone who is just as nice :).


True nice girls are hard to find nowadays, OP be glad you found out he's a d-bag before you wasted any more time on him. I hope you find someone who can appreciate your intentions.

My ex actually did the same thing to me OP. This kind of break up is the most difficult to get over with cause it's ridiculous and you don't even know what went wrong. So I hope you can move on pretty quickly so that you don't waste your time on him.

Sounds familiar. my wife is kicking me out, in part,because "She doesn't want to be the sort of person who sits on their arse whilst someone else does the work".

I've been feeling that way, as well. I've refused to move in with my boyfriend on numerous occasions, mainly because I'd feel bad for not being able to help pay bills. My current salary is too low to even share a small apartment and help with groceries, bills, student loans, and the like, but, money aside, it wouldn't even be an issue. Like others, I'd rather not put that burden on my loved ones and have a job that pays peanuts.

hell I wish you were my gf if your nice :)

nana_88 10

May be he's cheating on you and that's why he has this guilt feeling.

Your now exboyfriend and me are two complete opposites. I broke up with my ex because she was being a full on bitch to me all the time and was never nice.

Eventually you're going to get old and say thigs like, "I do everything for you ad you dont appreciate anything!". It's bad karma to keep accepting gifts you haven't worked for

kittykat1501 31

Now be nice to him about it and maybe he will be guilted into getting back together with you