By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 12:17 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, by text, while we were in the same room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 168
You deserved it 4 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

let me guess the reason why he broke up: lack of communication?


No he didnt, someones looking for attention

This isn't an FML, it's only an FS: **** SOCIETY

seanut 0

I'd hate to be the one to break this to you, darling, but there have been breakups much worse than that. Trust me, I've been through one myself. But it's still a bummer he dumped you via text. What a pansy he must be.

leksileks 0

ha! u should see how much of a pansy my ex is!

that's really bad. ur bf is not man enough to tell u face to face

I know how you feel! Bastards. Ha..but at least you were in the same room and could confront him. When I got dumped it was through a text message while I was seven hours away at a softball state tournament, the night before the big game. ..prick. 0:)

wow......that's really immature and OP you're better off without him anyway

loveyahun 0

Awww...he didn't have the balls to break up with you face to face. Sorry about the break up tho...