By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 12:17 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, by text, while we were in the same room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 168
You deserved it 4 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

let me guess the reason why he broke up: lack of communication?


outlandish912 0

Ahh, my first boyfriend did that.

FAKE! Im sick of seeing this crap! Even in the remote possibility this DID happen, who cares about High Schoolers and the ridiculous things they do? Nobody cares about you, please dont ever post on here again OP.

laptop_boone 0

Now that's just insulting. FYL.

carmal2012 0

well now you know that he is not even worth your time, if he doen't even have the guts to tell it to your face. this isn't an FMl, you should be super happy to have that loser out of your life, because you deserve betta =)

sbsoccer423 0

that sucks. FYL my girlfriend broke up with me through text while she was in class......

oconnd 0

Rough dude. -

NoIsoldeForTris 0

Nah dead ass tho u mustve i guess loved him but you shouldve blew his spot up and made him look like a little kid for some shit like that, he shouldve amned up and did it to your face privately