By chiara - 26/08/2015 10:25 - New Zealand - Christchurch

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. I spent the day sobbing in my bedroom and talking shit about him on Facebook after blocking him. He ended up changing his mind and calling me, asking me to take him back. Now I have to awkwardly explain to everyone that we're back together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 615
You deserved it 43 269

Top comments

Half of the time, that kind of stuff does happen and people do end up getting back together soon after as long as it wasn't over anything serious. If I was him, I would break up with you again for talking about him like that so fast.


And you wonder why he broke up with you in the first place lol

Hunkapoo 19

the fact that OP actually did all that, then posted here about it looking for sympathy shows OPs maturity. YDI and quite frankly shouldn't be dating till your more mature

ezrajab 22

Always be kind never know what the future holds. Serves you right

You really shouldn't be so quick to start posting your relationship problems on any social media. Along with that, if you're talking shit about him, then obviously you don't like him that much. Don't see why the guy even decided to take you back if he saw the posts. Anyways, a huge YDI.

This is why you keep your personal stuff off Facebook. It's not a diary.

He "changed his mind"? You don't need that garbage. You don't deserve that and shouldn't be with someone because they 'changed their mind' about you. Barf.

He "changed his mind"? You don't need that garbage. You don't deserve that and shouldn't be with someone because they 'changed their mind' about you. Barf.

He "changed his mind"? You don't need that garbage. You don't deserve that and shouldn't be with someone because they 'changed their mind' about you. Barf.