By life_isnt_fair - 09/03/2011 08:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called me and dumped me. Thirty minutes later he called asking for me back. When I asked why, he said "The other girl dumped me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 641
You deserved it 4 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

marinkovski 0

your boyfriend sounds like a ******** you don't need him anyway


ok that is funny as hell. I'd have a phone conversation with him asking me back and i would tape it and put it up on fb and YouTube

sweet_blue 3

oh wow and let me guess you were dumb enough to take him back.....

I certainly hope you didnt take him bac, you deserve a hell of a lot better

Take him back and then dump him, saying your other guy asked for you back.

sorry he dumped you, but that sounds like a WIN for you. He got what he deserved! hahaha

KayleeFrye 39

FYL. Unless you took him back. If you did, YDI!

I can't believe he actually told u that! What an @$$hole!