By Anonymous - 10/04/2012 20:57 - United States - Muskegon

Today, my boyfriend decided that he didn't need a real job. He wants to sell pot for a living. Or hang drywall. He can't decide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 345
You deserved it 6 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KiwiKitten 2

This is a man with his future perfectly laid out.

Why not do both? Then he can hide his pot in the drywall. It's a win win! :D


perdix 29

He can't decide? That's not a consequence of hanging too much drywall. I think his job has picked him!

YDI for dating a pothead, no life drug addict. I accidentally clicked the FYL button but trust me YDI. Be careful who you date or spend time with

twisted_cherub 14

You use Marley for you pic and knock pot smokers as "no life drug addict"s? WTF?

Can't tell if trolling or astoundingly oblivious. Either way this comment makes me want to go, um, hang some drywall.

twisted_cherub 14

Alright, people, marijuana facts and myths... 1. THC, the chemical in marijuana that gets you "high" is only addictive for under 10% of the people who smoke it and is the easiest chemical addiction to kick. 2. Smoking pot only affects memory while the smoker is stoned. The effects on memory wear off with the high. 3. A person who smokes pot and cigarettes has a greater chance of developing COPD (lung disease) than someone who only smokes cigarettes. But, a person who smokes only weed has less chance of developing COPD than a non-smoker. 4. Over-dose can occur using THC, but the level of hash (pure tri-combs) a person would have to smoke to do so would be impossible in a short enough amount of time to over-dose. Although, as with any substance, allergic reactions may occur. 5. Marijuana, itself, does little damage to the body, but the act of smoking a heated substance will cause damage to the lungs, mouth, and bronchial tubes. There are way too many to list, but I think I got the two previously discussed and a few other interesting tid-bits.

kayla_ann0o 9

At least he doesn't wanna be a gay prostitute.

Trooth 13

There's a reason he's just your boyfriend. Better to find out now rather than later.

Screw you #50, I decided to never smoke when I was like 6, so how's that for 'waiting til I'm out of high school to dismiss smoking?' LOL!!!! Retard! Don't tell people how to run their lives or don't tell them what decisions to make because that just makes you a no life who needs to get over himself. You aren't any of our bosses. I take it you smoke with that comment you posted? Psh.. Have fun killing yourself moron. What did your liver, heart, lungs etc ever do to you to make you wanna hurt them like that? Stop trying to manage peoples lives. You fail

twisted_cherub 14

As I stated in reply to your comment much later--you can't knock pot smokers with a picture of Marley by you comment. It's just wrong!


I sell pot for a livin n im livin big lol

You probs shouldn't announce that, y'know :p