By Anonymous - 10/04/2012 20:57 - United States - Muskegon

Today, my boyfriend decided that he didn't need a real job. He wants to sell pot for a living. Or hang drywall. He can't decide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 345
You deserved it 6 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KiwiKitten 2

This is a man with his future perfectly laid out.

Why not do both? Then he can hide his pot in the drywall. It's a win win! :D


And theres somthing wrong with selling weed? In a way he wants to become a gardener and doctor

kindgremlin 5

Fortunately, he can do both of those jobs; his coworkers will double as clients.

flyer55 3

At least you will have free pot and nice walls.

itscuzimshort 0

so how is this an FML?? your not married to him... so unless this is the guy you want to have kids with and have to deal with till you die this is a FHL... he's only gonna get one of two places selling pot... my guess is jail. but best of luck!!

Selling pot is a great paying job if done right!

cindykitty 0

The dumbest guy in the world I think you should start looking for a new man