By Anonymous - 10/04/2012 20:57 - United States - Muskegon

Today, my boyfriend decided that he didn't need a real job. He wants to sell pot for a living. Or hang drywall. He can't decide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 345
You deserved it 6 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KiwiKitten 2

This is a man with his future perfectly laid out.

Why not do both? Then he can hide his pot in the drywall. It's a win win! :D


Weed that has been grown as just marijuana, and has never been tampered with. A lot of growers and dealers add stuff to it to give you a better high. Stuff that really isn't good for your body.

Taez246 3

Um hanging drywall is a legitimate job that dad worked for years to make ends meet. It's not something to aspire to be but don't say it's not a real job.

kodinbug 2

This should say, "My ex-boyfriend...." FML on your part for still being with him

Well I would say they ARE real jobs, to be honest... if you have such a problem with it (especially drywall.. just because it's not a great job doesn't mean it's not a job at all) then you probably shouldn't be with him. I understand why him selling weed would be something to worry about because he'd be screwed if he got caught... but still. Do something about it instead of moaning, dude.

ceegee415 5

Dump his loser ass. He's going nowhere fast.

anarchistpunk 3

Haha if you take a look, pot is like the only business being hit by the economic crash..that and video games, but even then they are too.

twisted_cherub 14

Maybe where you live. I don't smoke anymore, but when I did I never had anything added to my weed. You have to trust your source. I never said everyone should just go find the nearest dealer and puff away, but making an uninformed decision (which is all you can make at 6 years old) about something just because you've been told it's bad saddens me. I grew up hearing premarital sex is bad: it tears lives apart; it makes people end up in hell; if you do it you'll get pregnant or die of diseases. But, like pot, participating in premarital sex in an informed, responsible, manner is not bad at all. And the risks involved with sex are way worse than anything pot can do to a person.

JMichael 25

Shit they probably pay better than a real job anyway.