By Anonymous - 26/12/2011 15:32 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend did the washing as an attempt to help me. Not only are all my clothes now pink, he refuses to do the dishes, vacuuming, bathroom, ironing etc., as he has done "plenty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 729
You deserved it 4 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm surprised you'd still want him to help after he just turned your wardrobe into Barbies' dream closet.

MikeMikeTheAzn 3


Ash0 6

Give a guy a break, at least he's trying right?

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

At least you spelled "break" right... If you know what I mean lol.

Give him a break, at least me attempted to help. That's pretty impressive for a guy.

You help someone when you do a part of their job, not when you do a litle bit of your half

No, it's really not impressive for anyone especially not for anyone capable of living without parents. It's time to let go of the archaic idea that doing a half-arsed job on any piece of housework is helping out the little woman. I assume he lives there, too, eats food, wears clothes, etc. It's his job as much as it's hers.

Sarah_moustache 9

At least he tried. He probably doesnt want to screw anything else up

jaredjudd21 2

Maybe he just hated your whole wardrobe and wanted you to get more nicer clothes, could be a possibility.

Well, if he royally screwed up your clothing, do you trust him to clean everything else? That's your decision.

I wouldnt accept my hubby to act like that. It's his responsibillity as well to keep a clean and tidy home. I presume you both work? If you're a house wife, stop whining. If not, think twice, a dog never changes it's ways..

desireev 17

Aaaaactually.... A dog can change its ways. Hence the "train" in "dog trainer"... Jusssayin...

You must be an american.. It's a saying.. Dont have to be a genius to undersand.. Oh, wait... -.- my bad..

Actually Americans should get most sayings as we pretty much absorbed them all from other cultures especially Europe. Learn more about our culture before you disrespect us. After all I don't assume everyone from your country is ignorant, just you.

Maybe you should take the time to spell "understand" and other words correctly before you insult an entire nation of people.

Sorry i got a phone. Guess you never have had a typo in your life. Get over it.. Geez.. But them again.. Never been to 9gag have you :D