By Anonymous - 01/02/2011 18:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend dumped me because his iPod app said I was cheating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 543
You deserved it 5 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you shouldn't have been ******* your boyfriend's iPod.

Why were you dating an iTard anyway?


48 - I think that it's pretty apparent that 33 was mocking the grammatical format, as well as the misuse of words, of the prior comment.

53 - maybe you should have cleaned off whoever's phone number is on your hand before making your profile picture. 932-6130...looks like someone is gonna have a rough night.

Giirrrrl, I say you break his ipod and get sumone smarter

JoshK9030 0

pfff LOL.. if your bf really did then he mustve been a terrible bf.

Damn. That sucks! :( But at least you're not with a dumb ass anymore!

You probably were cheating you effin *****!!!

Skye_Child 0

Are you dum or are you stupid??? It was a IPOD okae yea he was stupid but that doesnt make her a "*****" it just makes her stupid for having a retard for a boyfriend who eveer you are no offense but your ex was a effin retard.

Skye_Child 0

Okae so I see all these "FML's" about these girls and their stupid boy friends. Why don't women find MATURE boy friends instead of these dummies who listen to IPOD apps their friend do stupid things like crawling toward you "Intamacy" saying "My precious" WTF is that???? Get a grip.

I can only imagine how this conversation went: After an intense hand-holding session, Frankie realizes that this may just be too much for him, and too soon. "Uh, Lisa..?", he stammers, palms sweating and still warm from her touch. "I don't think I can sit with you at lunch anymore". "What? Why not, Frankie? I love splitting my peanut butter and jelly sandwich in halfsies with you!", Lisa exclaims. Frankie, trying to come up with a better excuse than the truth, nervously sticks his hands in his pockets. His hand strikes gold- er, plastic. 'That's it!', he thinks. "Lisa, I, um, my iPod says you... Um, that you and Neil shared some Skittles yesterday! I, uh, I didn't want to believe it, but I just can't help it. How could you?!" Frankie turns and walks away fast, before he starts hyperventilating. 'Whew', he thinks, 'that was close!'

GoodLookingGeese 10

I liked your version, probably very close to the truth..

"I saw u sharing skittles" bahahahaah very funny

Autoshot 9

I doubt it 53. Don't flatter yourself your not worth stalking.