By Anonymous - 01/02/2011 18:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend dumped me because his iPod app said I was cheating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 543
You deserved it 5 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you shouldn't have been ******* your boyfriend's iPod.

Why were you dating an iTard anyway?


Ohh snaps!! If it's her hand, it's huge!

lol if so, then he has to be gay(not judging please don't get mad) cause (s)he's wearing a huge purple bracelet.

do u really wanna be with a guy who relys on his ipod so much? best off without him

alicec123 0

he's stupid. he did you a favor by dumping you, sweetie.

If he cares so little about you that he'll dump you because an app on his ipod told him to, then I think you needed to find someone new anyway. Still, FYL for being with such a loser.

he's a real dick!! but why date him if he trusts a stupid app more than you

what the **** ? why the hell were you dating him in the first place ?

Um... Well first of all are u cheating? Lol haha what a dip shit!