By poor baby - 12/06/2015 16:51 - Germany

Today, my boyfriend forgot to pick our son up from daycare. His excuse? Fighting in a battle in World of Warcraft was far more important and he had to stay absolutely focused. Our son had to wait for two hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 100
You deserved it 5 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He needs to grow up and get his act together. he's a father!

My mom (who I no longer see thank god) forgot my sister and me at elementary school for 3 hours one day and it was one of scariest times of my life. Luckily my dad saw us waiting outside while driving by (my parents are divorced) and picked us up and took us to his house.. Thankfully he was at daycare and not just waiting outside. Sorry to hear about this! So sad. Kids are always #1 priority!


Your boyfriend either needs to get help and quit playing video games (because he clearly can't control himself) or stop being your boyfriend and your son's caretaker. Video game addiction is a real problem that many people refuse to recognize, but it can be just as serious as substance abuse in many ways. He'll only continue to disappoint you and your son if he doesn't change.

There is no such thing as video game addiction. If there is then any recreational activity is also an addiction. Like watching TV, fishing, gossiping.

Yep. That's right. Literally anything can become an addiction. I'm a little concerned I'm addicted to Factbook, but at least I haven't gotten to the point where I forget important dates and responsibilities.

Then you either need to get serious help (because you clearly can't control yourself) or stop being given responsibilities. Facebook addiction is a real problem that many people refuse to recognize, and it can be just as serious as cocaine. You'll only continue to disappoint those who trust you if you don't change.

You either need to get help and quit Facebook (because you clearly can't control yourself) or stop being given responsibilities. Facebook addiction is a real problem that many people refuse to recognize, but it can be just as serious as cocaine. You'll only continue to disappoint those who trust you if you don't change.

I completely agree with 11. The fact that he doesn't even see the problem with what he did only means he'll do it again. Video games are an addiction to many. And if I were you I would be giving your boyfriend an ultimatum; either lessen up on the video games and make your family and other responsibilities more of a priority than your games, or you are no longer my boyfriend and our sons primary caregiver. This is a serious relationship deal breaker for me. As someone already mentioned, being left somewhere and forgotten is sometimes fairly traumatic and can cause anxiety the next time the kid is waiting to be picked up. The fact that your boyfriend chose a video game over his own son is a huge concern and if he doesn't change, you need to get out of there! If you don't give him an ultimatum and continue to let it slide, and if he's already done crap like this in the past, then ydi. Be the adult in the relationship and call the shots because he obviously can't.

mmos have been known to ruin marriages. that's why i usually don't play them.

Only if the spouse doesnt play! Every husband wants a healer. Ha.

"You can't pause online games mom! " But seriously. He needs a reality check. His son should be more important than anything else.

kidtoy 18

Hopefully he realizes what should value more.

No, just cancel the subscription. Just as effective, but he can right his wrongs as motivation to get his account back. Just as big of a punishment without permanent trust issues in the relationship.

Hes a man not a kid he probably pays for his own subscription.

So you're saying they don't have joint funds despite being married? She can't make a call to the bank? Unless OP's hubby has a secret bank account, (which, let's be honest, he's playing WoW and picking it over his kid - I don't see him having an affair) I don't see the issue with my solution.

Whoops, guess I overlooked that. Yeah, you're right then. But my point about deleting the character causing permanent damage to the relationship stands. It'd be spiteful and petty.

@46 spiteful and petty? no it is a completely reasonable response. and you clearly are way too attached to your game.

JayVicious 20

Deleting his character or in game items wouldn't hurt for long....players can resurrect deleted characters themselves now, and talk to a GM about the ingame items and simply tell them they were hacked and everything would be restored. I would suggest talking to him about it and if he doesn't take his responsabilities serious after that then you OP could always restrict router/computer so he cant play....or just leave. My ex accused me of being adicted to WoW and ignoring our kids, if she would have put her phone down and stopped sleeping all day and flirting with guys (while being in a relationship with me) then she would have saw that i may haved logged in but rarely even played cause i was busy with the kids.

#86 - No, actually, it's not reasonable. Imagine somebody took a collection of stamps you collected and burned them because you went to get a stamp an errand slipped your mind. That's destruction of property and spiteful, you have serious mental issues if you think you're justified in your rationale. I don't play WoW (haven't for years), but any hobbyist knows that you don't **** with people's stuff over an argument or mistake. Any hobby can be addicting, that doesn't mean it's not a passion. Go see a relationship counselor, your significant other will appreciate knowing that their property is safe from your insane two-wrongs-make-a-right logic.

leogachi 15

Picking up your kid isn't an errand. Deleting pixels isn't destruction of property (except when those pixels are going to be sold and are part of your livelihood). You seem to have a disturbed outlook on life.

#110 - What is the difference between art displayed on a screen and art displayed in a portrait? One was made with paint, the other was made with an art tablet. You're a close-minded person who doesn't understand a thing about the world you live in.

Their are those that would argue that the Mona Lisa isn't worth a life i personally don't agree but i can see the argument. I agree video games can be and in many ways are an art form. not every game is but most have some artistic merit. but your child's safety compared to aquiring art not only aquiring art but art you can aquire at any time that is in now way unique. that's not even a question. if he can't handle the responsibility something needs to go the child or character.

leogachi 15

I absolutely love pixel art, but saying that deleting a video game character is the same as destroying property is absurd. I'd be upset if someone deleted my characters, but I would never put my games ahead of my responsibilities.

It is the same, though. Think about it, there are people who make movies. They create a story and a cast of characters they cherish. How is that different from a video game? You grow attached to your avatar because it's a representation of your work and time and passion for the game you love. They're all the same, the only difference is that a character in a video game is molded solely for the enjoyment of the creator, whereas most movies and stories are created for the masses. And if that doesn't convince you all, then nothing will. But if you don't agree with me, I don't respectfully agree to disagree. Good day.

your actually right. you have convinced me honestly that is property and it is his and she has no right to damage his property. she does however have the right to do everything in her power to protect her child from grose negligence. she should tell him to delete the character or pack his stuff and go. but your right it is his property and he needs to make that decision.

leogachi 15

I never said that it wasn't art, but I don't agree that all art is the same. Consider music, for example. Music is art. Do you appreciate all of the genres in the same way? I'm guessing that you don't. It's the same for art, people have their preferred styles.

kaitdepoyster 2

He'll even better sell his character.

Probably shouldn't include "Boyfriend" and "Son" in the same FML.

Uhm... You don't have to be married to have kids, so there is nothing wrong with that.

F your life? F your son's life! (that sounds bad but you know what I mean). As his mother you should be doing everything to protect him. Lay down some rules for your immature boyfriend or you need to kick him to the curb. No excuses. How about you go find a man friend who will step up to the plate and be a real father.

CyberSeeker 20

Poor kid. Your boyfriend needs to get his priorities straight