By ppp - 14/09/2011 04:12 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me a gift. A half-used bottle of body lotion that belonged to his dead wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 213
You deserved it 3 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

He just wants you to smell like her. Nothing weird about that -- until he takes you down to his dungeon/shrine.


This is far too similar to a scene from how I met your mother!! When ted gives Robin his exs lotion to use! Coincidence?

mj_ok 9

Maybe you should give him some time.

That's just creepy. And gross. And unhygeinic. If Boyfriend likes the scent, he can't go out and buy a bottle of the same lotion?

Thats just awkward and creepy. If he's giving OP a gift that is going to make him associate her with his dead wife, then its like he's trying to bring her back. Which is sweet in a weird way, but still creepy as hell. It sounds like he's either really cheap and doesn't want to buy OP a real gift, or he just isn't ready to date because he's still obsessed with someone else. Either way, I think its time to have a serious conversation with him.

Bekavera 4

You should refuse it and tell him thats a ****** up thing to do. To you and his woods memory.

Demonyx 6

Why does this post not say "ex-boyfriend"?