By loveyadad - 16/06/2013 15:46 - United States - Watertown

Today, my dad came home from a trip to Arizona and brought back special hand-picked gifts for the whole family. When he got to me, he smiled, and pulled out a free lotion from the hotel at which he was staying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 022
You deserved it 3 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

someone is not getting a gift on Father's Day

flashback.miss 28

My dad had an awesome time in Arizona and all I got was this lousy lotion. When his birthday rolls around, be sure to return the favour.


LMAO I guess now you know you're the least fave

slap that little f***** in the face.

And he seems to have not put too much thought into hers, just everyone else's

Well, he's still paying for your college right? So don't dwell on it. Unless he isn't.... then u can start speculating that something's wrong (u were adopted/mom had an affair/u were rude to him) and favouritism's afoot.

liblob 6

he prob thought she didnt know it was free. and maybe couldnt find anything for op.

...Those little lotions are only good for one thing............

flashback.miss 28

My dad had an awesome time in Arizona and all I got was this lousy lotion. When his birthday rolls around, be sure to return the favour.

aren't you supposed to reply with song lyrics?

I don't know why people thumbed you down I thought that was funny, but just in case you don't know, " I thought you were supposed to reply in song lyrics" he's talking about her name.

spanelli 16

I guess you didn't read her description...

No, I was too distracted by the leech in her eye.

spanelli 16

Hmm, indeed. I sat here staring at it for a while, also.

someone is not getting a gift on Father's Day

He shouldn't get a gift. But if he needs one regift the lotion and tell him you loved it so much, but you are sure he would love it more than you do.

I hope you kept that in mind when you selected his Father's Day present! Perhaps you should re-gift the lotion?

MolesterStallone 13

Better than nothing I guess....

PrussiaisAwesome 15

not really now op cant pretend their dad forgot.

Zimmington 21

27- maybe he did forget (which would be worse than nothing) and the lotion was still in his bag.

drjohnnyboy 15

Did he also give you hotel tissues? If he did, then if I were you, I wouldn't use either of them.

AFloppyWetWhale 6

At first I thought Op was a boy, and that it was a perverted joke... kinda like my name