By ppp - 14/09/2011 04:12 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me a gift. A half-used bottle of body lotion that belonged to his dead wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 213
You deserved it 3 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

He just wants you to smell like her. Nothing weird about that -- until he takes you down to his dungeon/shrine.


Kick his ass to the curb. Not thoughtful, just cheap

its kinda creepy but i kinda feel bad for him because his wife dided : (

I really don't think it's a big deal. Guys don't think the way we do. He probably just didn't want it to go to waste, and figured because you're also a woman you could use it.

PinkFun1969 9

creppy he wants you to smell like her.

MustangFilly77 9

As creepy as this sounds, it just means that he's starting to get over her death. The fact that he trusts and loves you enough to give you one of her belongings, no matter what it is, shows that he's moving on. Just be thankful :)

KylieG818 13

That's just a tad bit disturbing......... I understand that he misses her, but does it really have to be used lotion?