By Anonymous - 02/01/2010 07:50 - United States

Today, my boyfriend had to be hospitalized to drain poison from a bad spider bite. His mom is convinced that he got it from my house and won't let him come over anymore. I suppose she's right, because guess who found a spider web under their bed today, along with 5 new spider bites? FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 035
You deserved it 4 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to consider cleaning your room more often...

I need to stop reading the comments. Spiderwebs can be spun overnight. The timing of the bites indicates that the spider had newly moved in. Who looks under the bed often enough to catch spiderwebs instantly? Getting rid of the web doesn't get rid of the spider, unless it's in it. Five bites does not equal five spiders. They aren't like bees, who sting and then die.


Venom, not poison. Poison is when you eat something, venom is when it's injected (ie from snake or spider bites) Just thought I'd let you know.

Am I the only one wondering why her boyfriend had one bite and had to be hospitalised yet she's had 5 and is fine and dandy and writing on FML?!! Just seems a wee bit strange to me how one bite kicked her boyfriends arse yet five have done nothing to her. Plus thats a very pissed off spider for it to bite you 5 times! Just a thought.

I'm pretty sure she's talking about the boyfriend who got "new" bites, and talking about the boyfriend's mom sarcastically.

hahaha822 0

. he should have never went to the hospital . This way ; he can save the world . Also ; dating spiderman seems pretty cool xD

Eeeeeeeewwwwwww I got shivers reading this. I would be scarred forever if I found a spider web under my bed.

44 I dunno spiders have some kind of paranormal connection so Ive always have been scuuured to rid my abode of them... And besides their friendly towards me! I grew up around Black Widows and I actually felt safe. Safer than with humans! I dont know why just thats my experince!

Malinkrot 3

Dirty people make up the craziest excuses to be dirty...

Well.... are you going to tell us? Or must we really guess?

DarkenSerenity13 4

wait, how is it tht you have 5 spider bites and you're in perfect health? Your bf had one and had to be rushed to the hospital? unless he had more bites? Or you just didnt feel the pain rite away? or he could of been allergic? or it wasnt the same spider?

#55 omg really. Maybe she was rushed to the hostpital. I thought it was pretty obvious. She never said she wasnt in perfect health after that. maybe because she didnt have enough room to explain that. XD

Spiders can choose to secrete venom or not. Venom is hard to create and it hurts the spider too. She was food, he was a threat.

christinalouis3 0

This is my post. I found the thing under my bed and I have 5 new bites, yes. And my room is clean, its just next to the garage and we get tons of spiders in there. My mom is too much of a hippie to get our house sprayed. And I have no idea why my bites aren't as bad as his, I think his was just infected because he was messing with it. Also, I haven't gotten these other 5 bites in the same night, it was over the course of like a month, I just figured it was a lame little bug or a zit every time, but then when the actual doctor told my boyfriend that it was a spider it freaked me out. And I am terrified of spiders.

christinalouis3 0

Oh and I wrote it like that because I DID run out of room.