By ChubbyTubby - 17/01/2010 18:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend humped me to the tune of the Imperial March from Star Wars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 665
You deserved it 6 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ROFLsyrup 0

If you think this is an FML you don't deserve him.

BUM BUM BUM BUMBA BUM BUMBA BUM. from a fellow female, holy shit, that is funny. especially since my school band is playing the starwars music.


hiimme 0

oooh if he looked like Luke before leia kissed him then hell yeahi would soo make my Bo do that

Nic_hole 0

Hahahaha! your bf sounds awesome lolz

ydi for having no sence of humour. ..and using the word 'humped' what are you, a dog ?

Cowless 0

So that's where John Williams gets his inspiration...

jktadych 0

that is some funny shit you should be proud

OP: my boyfriend did the same thing to me, cept I just hummed along the music :) you gotta have fun with it, don't let ruin the fun of sex

this isn't an fml! this should go on MLIA, not here ...

lighten up. I wanna do this to my next gf lol

mistershlong 0

stop complaining and get back in the kitchen