By Anonymous - 25/06/2014 23:38 - Canada - Dartmouth

Today, my boyfriend informed me of how I had really hurt his feelings. Apparently, not wanting to be sent a photo of his poop is hurtful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 998
You deserved it 5 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inner_peace 19

Some people never cease to amaze me with how overly sensitive they are. And your. boyfriend may have topped my list, OP


DanShowsNoMercy 13

Guys can be proud of how big their shit is.

lil_miss_simran 15

I can't blame you for not wanting to look at his poop.

I'm a guy and that is gross. Better than diarrhea though

Siettadulce 21

I don't even know how I would've responded to someone saying that to me. People just astound me sometimes.

catanita 18

Maybe instead of poop he wanted to say puppy.

juststephhere 23

That was completely unnecessary of him to even consider showing you that... I believe you should be the one hurt by this...

You can't always assume OP's boyfriend was being serious about having hurt feelings. knowing my ownself, I'd say something along the lines of what he did and when she said no, I'd pretend like I'm sad . just to get a ruse.

what was he thinking? he should be dumped.