By weddinggirl - 27/08/2010 09:57 - Germany

Today, my boyfriend of five years finally asked me to marry him. He said, "We could save on taxes if we got married… What do you think?" That was the most romantic thing he's said to me in the last two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 420
You deserved it 10 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol. ydi for staying in a relationship with no romance. at least for ur end, try to spice things up


YDI for being with him. And YDIx100000 if you marry him.


WannabeJew 0

Maybe communicate that with him? And if you're not happy right now, you probably won't be happy a year from now, DTMFA. But you don't say you're unhappy about the lack of romance, just that it hasn't happened. So maybe you and the boyfriend should get married. Maybe he wants to but doesn't know how to ask romantically. Most importantly, talk to him. You don't know what he means until you talk.

I saw a FML just like this one already on the site..

If you don't like the way he treats you and handles issues, then maybe it's time to dump him.

wow ur like really obsessed with blow jobs 31, aren't u?

SoundnVasion 0

I would be if I hadn't got one for like 2 years!

#39 It doesn't say anywhere in the FML that OP hasn't given her boyfriend a blow-job in two years.

SoundnVasion 0

Romance is measured by the amount of blow jobs performed.

Sorry, but I'd have to say YDI for having no romance for TWO YEARS.

Coccinelle_fml 15

YDI because you haven't dumped him yet.

SoundnVasion 0

heads blow him tails bone him

ahhtrinibabe122 3