By Nicoli - 10/11/2011 18:22 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of five years was in a bad car crash, and ended up with a concussion. He didn't remember me. At all. But he remembered his other girlfriend he had cheated on me with for two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 919
You deserved it 3 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Consider it your chance to find someone better in life. **** him. Saves you the painful break-up, right?


Perfect. Use that as an excuse to drop his cheating ass. Find someone who isn't scum

Now is your chance to dump him! It won't hurt as bad.

Well that's one way to find out. Op you deserve better, find someone else.

FreddyAmazin 0

Maybe you were the girl who he was cheating with, not on.

So he won't remember that he owes you $5,000? Luckily your friends were witnesses to the loan.

Perfect time to make him believe crazy shit like him being part of a secret gouverment organization

Next time he works late demand a video of him punching out.

This guy probably doesn't remember where he works. I think you got the wrong FML

he might be bullshitting to get out of the relationship with you.

He's lying sorry but it's true. If you been with him for 5yrs n don't remember u but remember the other Gf of 2 months. He's just lying to u to get u out of his life. Go find someone better.

That isn't necessarily true. With brian trauma and amnesia, sometimes only PARTS of the memory is erased- sometimes major things like a wife or child, and sometimes small things like a fling or a fish. Head injuries are tricky, and I think trying to get rid of her so elaborately would be the last thing on his mind after his accident.

SkardeyKat 3

Sounds like now is the time to "remind" him of the HUGE loan you gave him a few months back. Let him know it's time to pay up.